• Komplek Industri Jatake, Jalan Industri Raya II Blok C No. 1, Pasir Jaya Jatiuwung
  • Tangerang, Banten, 15135
  • อินโดนีเซีย
  • โทร:62-21-59307127
  • โทรสาร:62-21-59307196
  • url:

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We are a comprehensive plastic packaging manufacturing company, specialized in providing products and support to a broad spectrum of flexible and rigid packaging users including frozen foods, coffee, snacks, candy, meats, chemical, home and garden care, health and beauty aid industries and many more applications.

At NAVA, it's not just our packaging products that exhibit quality. Our commitment to exceptional customer service truly sets us apart. By applying innovative thinking, we can ensure a quick turnaround with incredible flexibility in our production schedule.

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